Mission Statement

The TWCC is dedicated to improving the lives of others in the northern San Luis Co. community.

By joining together we believe we are providing a fuller life for ourselves and others in the general area.

We provide a forum for women of the area to identify local charities that can best address the community’s needs by supporting youth through scholarship awards, and other school-related programs. 
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Organized 1913

Club Flower:  Gold Rose

Club Colors:  Green and Gold

Club Motto:  "Strength United Is Stronger"

Club Meetings: First Wednesday of Each Month 11:30 AM

Our History

81437 original
Templeton Women's Charitable Club

Established in 1913, the original name was the Women's Civic Improvement Club and its purpose was to improve the town and "keep the women working in harmony.” Approximately 20 women were the original members.
Meetings were held in members' homes for the first two years. In 1914, the Templeton Board of Trade donated a lot on the corner of 6th and Main Street, where a two-room bungalow was proposed as the new clubhouse. The building was to be 450 square feet and would cost $200. Many of the building supplies and all of the labor were donated by the community.
On January 6, 1915 the Women's Club held their first meeting in the new clubhouse. This building went on to serve the community as a library, a meeting place for other groups, and a day care center.
In May of 1991, Lucille Butler, a club member, left the Women's Club a donation of $200,000. The gift was especially welcomed as the little old clubhouse was showing its age with sagging floors and roof problems. This generous gift enabled the Templeton Women's Club to build the present structure which was finished in the mid-1990's.
Following the completion of the new clubhouse, the Women's' Club gave the clubhouse to the Templeton Community Service District for the public's use. In return, the Women's Club received lifetime use of the facility for monthly meetings.

"In Loving Memory Of"

Lucille Butler & Edith Iwata for their significant “Bequests” to the TWCC & community.